At OnlyLibs, our name says it all. The world is such a dangerous place full of animosity and true hate. As such, we've created a safe place for Liberals to meet other Liberals in a technologically advanced environment. We strive to provide the best features for the best user experience.
Founded in 2024, OnlyLibs understood the need for a safe environment for Liberals to not only freely express themselves, but to also meet other Liberals. To utilize our dating application, all users must be verified so you will always know who you are meeting. Safety is our #1 priority.
With advanced search filters, precise geolocation, real-time chat attachments, voice and and video calling, OnlyLibs has everything you need to find your soulmate, friends or just to have some fun. Our platform is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making your online dating experience enjoyable.
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Be safe. Be yourself!